Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

28 Jan 2011

Empathetic Butterflies

Skin stretched to limiting degrees
Tear, rip and split
Opened like a zip
Mask by mask
Bit by bit
Ego letting go of its grip

Mind starting to stir and trip
Painfully processing,
Pupa emerging, from silken cocoon
Worthy though - the trauma
As beauty born its crown

Flapped its wings on all good things
Spread its joy throughout the land
Ego left behind
Banished from the mind’s

Virtue in its place
Sublime, bewitching, fascinatingly exquisite,  
Metaphorical meme
that beautiful butterfly in the wind.


Wow! Wish I could have written that. I love it so much. I want to go and write it in a book in beautiful handwriting that flows and floats like the subject here. It is exquisite. Excellent gift. Thank you, noble Gwylem!
A Response From Someone Who Genuinely Loves You
As beautiful as your prose can be
Id's basic strive for pleasure
Goes largely unchecked as one
Peels away the layers of Ego,
That old rationalizer of Id's conflict.
Too, by peeling away layers of Super Ego
one lose's site of attaining Perfection.
And after all, isn't Perfection to enjoy the
Earth and Heavens in delightful glee like Eden?
I shudder! No leave my layers closed up and
Cloistered tightly 'round my shoulders.
But if Destruction is the state you choose?
Lay open Id and flap your wings,
But fly far far away from the flame.
Lest your conflict with unbridled passions
And instinctual tensions sizzle hot!
Thanks for the kind comments and the poem, whoever you are? ;)
You capture a life transformation extremely well through poetic lines; the comparisons to ego are also well done. Great poem.
nice. you have great flow and rhyme scheme...that enhance your story of tranformation...nice one shot.
Dear Gwylym, you have your finger on the pulse of the moment-for the world and each individual- the challenges come for those who can rest into explosive latency-nothing ever is a contradiction of terms if it can be experienced- we all have been preparing to become something beyond our wildest imaginings, but we must trust and let go into the virtue of our destiny. We can't wear the heavy robes of the calculating ego into this new world-we must enter it like we entered this one-totally naked.

Thank you, brother, for this powerful poetic expression.

Tiger Windwalker
Interesting metaphor.
Wow, a truly intense transformation.. into the beautiful being, the butterfly, colorful images.
Good use of imagery, flow: solid.

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