Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

27 Feb 2011

Fiery Maiden

The fiery maiden could not pretend;
To trust the handsome man in the end.
She told him: "Let us not pretend;
That you have love to send, it's all about your end."
The man replied, "This love is not a guise;
I wear no mask, now look into my eyes.
Furnace heat from a look that could cook.
Her stern cold eyes did melt in surprise;
Molten smiles did now appear;
Stretched right from ear to ear!
Fiery maiden with lips ablaze;
Quenched in a watery future gaze, made her see!
The handsome man, was seeing two or three.
He of course denied, this womaniser sighed:
"I'm telling the truth, your so damn hot."
But fiery maiden had heard enough;
She owned self respect and told him: "Tough;
Punk you're out of luck, I want more than just a casual ****!"


Thanks for sharing, I have to admit I laughed out loud, when I read this. Which made my husband jump a bit.

I like the Fiery Maiden's grit! :)
Like Abigail said, she certainly has grit. As usual your choice of words and flow of thought is fabulous as always Gwylym. Thank you. Q x
Haha Thank you both, thought I'd lighten the mood with a fun little jaunt. I wasn't sure if some might think it a bit crude, so I won't post the other poem about fiery maiden's sister, who ended up with a blister :)

A real woman knows right from wrong... you depicted her well! Your writing has such reach... it's amazing how you have insight into any topic!

when people dare to play - no matter what words to say - there will be joy and peace. I liked your poem very much and read it loudly for the people with me at home.
I love your fiery maiden.
Thanks everyone, I am pleased that you all enjoyed this :)
Lol ~ enjoyed this very much! Go feiry maiden!! loved it ~ thanks Gwlwyn : )
good for her...pretty words alone will not get you far...into her heart...smiles.
Pretty funny Gwyl - been missing you. Hope all is well. Clever piece, this one.
Good one! ;) I enjoyed the chuckle at the end.
amazing piece..

Please feel free to share 1 to 3 poems with our potluck poetry today, first time participants could use old poems or poems unrelated to our theme, Thanks..
Happy Monday!

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