Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

3 Feb 2011

One Step Closer

Not much to show for a life
The left over Worldly goods
All Gold gilded and crystalline
Shiny and fun, rare and treasured.

But how exactly is value measured?

Not much to show for a life
The left over Worldly goods
Just a pair of old working boots
Dirty and trodden, common and undesired.

But how exactly is value measured?

Not much to show for a life
No way of knowing good deeds passed.
Undesired treasure, it won't last.
Because in the end,  it's all the same.

I'll tell you how value is measured!

Good deeds and thoughts live on.
Deed recognition, is not your task,
peoples hearts and minds make deeds last.
So they may say about you, on your final day
"It's not much to show for a life"
But you won't care, because you lived, whilst you were here
and your good deeds spread from gen to gen.
And the World takes one step closer.


I guess we all grapple with this in our lives to a point, how is our value measured? by the watch you receive on retirement? You put it well in your poem - it's about the good life we live with the people we love. :)
At the end of each day, it's nice to know I touched one person in some small way. At the end of one's lifetime, I'd agree it's these experiences that make it all worthwhile.

Lovely poem.

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