Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

6 Feb 2011

Keep Stum, Act Dumb

I might write about non-controversial things
Let things pass-by, keep stum, act dumb
I will never be wrong, I'll never risk a thing
Won't think about the World or the people
I could go shopping or for a walk in the wood.
I would never again, be misunderstood.
I might write about the safety net
Won't mention current or real issues
Will never again require tissues
I might never even write again
After all, this type of writing is lame,
No viewers, not in the game.
A none Player in a none game, I must be insane.
I obviously haven't got a brain, wrapped up in chains
Hand me the key and I'll lock it for you.
I might never write again.


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