Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

21 Mar 2011

The Attraction of Action

A life weary with a World at odds
Seeks out a sense of familiarity
Yearns it, to divisive destruction
And builds a temple upon quicksand
Next to a boundary, o’er yonder, quicksand
Runs for shelter in a rickety shack
Call it home, a club, a Rome, a dome or a sphere
Its primary cause, is usually fear
Always backed up by a spear, a jagged end
A dagger of death for the other side of a line
A fear that one could think and free their mind
Fear disabling, manifests hate, makes you blind
Don’t be resigned to your blind fate,
Free your mind its never too late, use it to contemplate.
Control the place that feels irate, replace it with action.

Fear breeds fear
Hatred breeds hatred
Mistrust breeds mistrust
Jealousy breeds jealousy
 Contempt breeds contempt

Why aren’t we manifesting:
Love breeds love
Peace breeds peace
Trust breeds trust
Self esteem breeds self esteem
Forgiveness breeds forgiveness

That we may replace:
Fear with love
Hatred with peace
Mistrust with trust
Jealousy with self esteem
Contempt with forgiveness

In action we manifest, in inaction we fester.
We must concentrate on what it is we desire
Then it is guaranteed to manifest in nature
This is the divine law of the cosmos.
The power lies squarely in our hands
Reading the manual however, isn’t enough.
To know a divine law and not participate
In the action of its manifestation
Is to lose control over ones circumstances
When it was entirely unavoidable.


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