Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

1 Sept 2010

Art black dan

MI5, MI6, MI in heaven,
even to odd I am a god.
I am a man untied with man.
Law and more an art black Dan.
Higher cognition is my design
is their higher than my design?
F is hook just take a look hook is club.
Frequency is power of the hour.
Earthly are we. That glory in he.
F is for Freud equal to fraud,
Am I not your Friend?
Gift of your creation will be received
In joy and job creation
Brain wave association in every creation,
This is how we built our nation
Brain slave I am neutral
Set by association by every sound in my creation.
So when you sleep, I switch my beep.
Tool of the F spell, technology cell,
You are art and art is me.
Join atlas, this is the time for fertile grass.
Lay fields, allowed to grow,
but only if they sow.
Turn off the electric
feel your own death grip.
Turn off the sun and your day is done
Remember, we give you the power
We art the copyright
we’ve got the god father mafia right.
Forgive and forget is your only debt.
Cast out of the fire
we know you felt the pain
that’s why we have to replay the game.
With you as the director
So scribe for us, as we scribe for you.
This is set in stone, emerald, gold
this is the story that must be sold.


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