Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

14 Sept 2010

Take what you want

If you take something negative
From what I give to thee
You haven’t read it carefully
Now go back and view
And see a new
The message I bestow
Switch your mind to my illusion
My brief and conclusion
It’s all about fusion
Taking my vision adding to your precision
Of the ultimate position
of empathy for all.
See my mind and all around
I’ll see yours and respect it so
Keep growing wisdom, from every angle
Researching, to the nth degree
Liberty for all good souls, to express their views
This is my mirage, for you to take
Use it if you like, or lose perspectives sight
It can’t be bad; it’s just your mind
Making your vision, an imitating kind
suppressing your potential, making you blind.
Now hear my rhyme, as I talk sublime
It’s not a crime, to walk in the shoes
Of those people, with different views.


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