Iliterate Poet

A dumping ground for my works in progress.

12 Sept 2010


Skill of creation has to be earned,
Can’t be bought and must be learnt,
Rhymes they do come easy to me,
Without practice, I just have the Chi.
The Zen, but then, trying creation of another sort,
makes me rigid and full of thought.
Painting a picture, singing a song,
learning the bits, as I go along.
Making the order, hard as can be,
Why does this not come naturally?
Words my gift to all, passing moments,
then they fall, words mean nothing to me.
Lost in that moment, a value of none
Did I learn the bits, to get this poem done.
Conclusion – it’s all about the journey
and the journey being fun. Spreading glee for eternity
Let the glee run free, let it run;
negative for negativity charge.
Positive for a positive spark,
Out of the dark, and into the abyss
Hopefully creating, bliss for bliss.


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